Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mar 3, 2011 - Hobbs New Mexico Week 9 - Mission Week 25

Querido Familia,

So this week has been pretty interesting, and I am a little sad too... I'll expound on that later though... First off I need to say stuff that I have written down.

One of the bishopric members here dad served in the Toulouse, France mission, well it had the city in it. I guess the boundaries have changed since you served?

I have taught some people the missionary handshake that the missionaries at home taught us, so I am carrying on that tradition.

We are teaching a British Lady named Lesley. She is from Liverpool, and they are actually moving back there this May which is a shame. She doesn't want to go. Its been nice to be able to talk to someone with a thick British Accent. She's hilarious too.

What qualities did you see in missionaries that came to our ward? I want to be a missionary just as good as them, was just curious as to what really made missionaries like Elder De Oliveira, Elder Householder, Elder Onken, Elder Koerper, Elder Branch Elder Mataele, all of them. What made them really good missionaries?

I have also been thinking about Stanford lately, and January 23rd, and just was curious as to what other people remember from that whole experience. During personal study a couple of days ago I took the time to write down that experience and how it strengthed my testimony in the restored gospel. (A Preach my Gospel activity) It was quite the recollection of events and I am surprised at how much detail I remember from that experience, but at the same time I am not surprised.

Last Sunday was really windy with winds of 65+ mph. During Sacrament meeting, more than 104 tumble weed blew past the window... Yes I counted... O_o

Also Mom and Dad, I was curious as to what led you to move to New Hampshire.

So on to the rest of the email now.

Happy Birthday Brad!!! I hope you enjoy the card I sent you. :P I thought it was funny.

So we had a moving day this past week, and I think I have made a mistake in staying at the house. Before, every time I was transferred from an area, I didn't have a choice I had to move and then this one time that I do have a choice in the matter I still moved... It is different situation here in Hobbs since the Spanish Branch is dependent, but I feel like I need to remain in English for several people specifically. The Rodriguez family, the Ponders, the Prietos... I am going to see if I can still switch back so I can remain there but I am a little nervous as to what Elder Kenyon and Elder Olvera will think.... I really love the area.

I really hope my Visa comes soon. I have been praying for it, and I know that there have been mission wide fasts going on in Brasil for Visas. It could potentially come any day! Thank you Mom for including that in your fast this Sunday. Hopefully it'll come today or next week.

I'm so pumped for General Conference!!! I'm extremely excited for it! Its going to be awesome!

We're having a baptism tonight! Sara Powell will finally be baptized! It'll be awesome. I'm giving a talk on the Holy Ghost. She has such a strong testimony in the priesthood and in the restored church and the Book of Mormon. Seeing her faith and testimony has been a great experience, and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to be a part of her conversion.

Israel Perez, Sister Rodriguez's husband, is another person we are hoping to be able to baptise soon. Their family loves us. We are extremely great friends and they love having us over. I am so glad that they started coming to church as well, and I hope they continue to come even after we all leave Hobbs. I'm going to have to visit Hobbs after my mission, there are so many amazing people here.

Love you all very much and I am so glad to be able to serve the Lord as a missionary. This is a great and marvelous work, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Missionary work is a blessing to be a part of.

I hope everything is going well with y'all (heheh) back at home. Maybe my visa will come soon and I'll be able to call you then! Hopefully!

Love you,

Love Elder Phillip Larsen

P.S. Sorry about the lack of pictures this time... I'll send some next week!

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