Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:28 PM
Subject: Texas Week 2
Howdy Y'all!
So I've really come to like Midland Texas now, it is so great to
finally be in the field! Missionary work is such a fun job! Did you
get my last email that I sent you? Today we have P-day on Wednesday
instead of Thursday because of Thanksgiving
So it has been pretty awesome, we teach a lot of Mexican people here
in Texas and it is nice because I can understand mostly what is being
said in the lessons that we teach people but I still can't talk to
them easily yet but eventually I'll be able to. Most of the Branch
members speak English as well as Spanish too so its all good, but I
like listening in on Spanish lessons.
Texas is quite the place! It has been around 77 degrees this whole
past week, I've heard that it is supposed to get cold though so it was
fun while it lasted. We play football on P-Days and tomorrow we have
Thanksgiving off because proselyting isn't fruitful on holidays so
we'll just be visiting members houses who have invited us over.
Yesterday I was on exchanges with a Zone Leader in the Odessa Ward. I
went to Odessa and he came here to Midland. I like Midland more
though, my companions are cool I am used to how they teach and we get
along pretty well.
So at this one investigator's house we ate rattlesnake. It was very
weird! He had killed it in his backyard, he lives in a trailer. He
gave the skin to Elder Simmons and he put it on the binding for his
Spanish scriptures. The missionaries here have this cool thing where
they rebind their scriptures with a leather case. I am going to
combine my Portuguese Book of Mormon and Bible together and give them
a leather case because it looks cool and it would be nice to have.
This morning before we came to email, Elder Simmons was saying how my
hands smelled and all and that I should wash my hands, then I took a
drink from a cup and he said to wash it, turns out that he wanted me
to turn on the sink because he taped the gun attachment closed so then
I got soaked, it was pretty funny though.
When I was on exchanges with the ZL's, (Elder Yorgason is with them in
Odessa) we were tracting and then we came to this one house and they
said it was my turn so I knocked on the door and then 2 children
opened it and said "Come on in" and then I looked at my companions and
they were like "Okay, sweet" just really cool about it but you don't
do that normally so I was confused. I then asked if their parents were
home and they said "My grandma is, hold on" and so we were waiting and
then they told us to go into their grandma's room. Turns out it was a
members house. Missionary work is fun. It reminded me of God's Army
with the pranks they pulled on them.
We had a baptism last Saturday, Andrez, a 9 year old kid of a recent
convert/activated family. This weekend we have Obed scheduled for his
baptism, and the week after we have a mexican man named Jesus
scheduled. We're booked with baptisms and its exciting! I love
teaching people and seeing the changes that come into their lives when
they begin to receive the blessings from accepting the gospel.
On Monday we went and did service for a member of the ward, we helped
him empty a big trailer from brush from this yard he was cleaning and
so we were at that for 6 hours, and then because of the help we gave
him he bought us lunch at a place just like grand buffet called Taste
of China. It was very good food and they had a cool pond inside with
lots of koi fish.
I hope you all have a good thanksgiving, Christmas Lights are already
getting put up around here, I wonder if there will be anything like
that in Brasil for Christmas. Who is setting up lights at the house
this year or are you not going to have any set up? There are some
pretty decked out houses here, but no snow to finish the scenery.
Do you remember the Ramos family? They lived in Nashua, NH about 20
years ago, well that is what they said. They hadn't remembered when
they lived in Nashua for a while but they are members. Brother Ramos
was the High Priest group leader for a bit, and he is a doctor and
worked in Boston. I dunno, it was pretty cool though, very small
Love you all and miss you, hope everything is going well, and that
you're enjoying the holiday season!
Elder Phillip Larsen
Elder Larsen with President and Sister Robinson

Elder Larsen and Elder Yorgason with President and Sister Robinson

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