Date: Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:59 PM
Subject: Last Pday in the MTC
Happy P-Day!
Sorry for emailing so late today, the schedule was different and today
has felt very rushed!
So it is the last week I have here in the MTC and today has really
flown by and I already forgot stuff to bring to say to you. Okay so
I'll try to remember as much as I can:
So I am going to Lubbok Texas, we leave at 5:00 am Monday Morning, and
then we leave for our flight to Dallas at 8ish? I think it might be
8:30. I meant to bring my travel plans when I emailed so I could let
you know all the information but alas I forgot... Sorry. We have a 2
hour layover in Dallas Texas so I can call you then mom and you can
talk to me then! I'll use my phone card, I don't really know how to
use it though. The layover is from 12:00ish to 2:30ish maybe? I don't
remember, it was something like 2 hours though and then I fly to
Lubbok Texas with Elder Yorgason. It is very weird thinking that in
less than a week we will be in the field teaching and proselyting with
real investigators! Wow!
I really liked the package I got from you! It was awesome, I really
enjoyed the pictures you sent and my district did as well. I also
liked the shirt, I wore that several times this past week. I got the
package on Monday.
We ate at the temple's cafeteria today and the food there was so good!
Quite a bit better in many regards to the food here but the food here
isn't bad, just that it is relatively the same stuff over and over
again, it was nice to have something different today for lunch. We had
5 different languages in the session we did today too. The Brasilian
Elders that we know from our building and from them teaching us were
there, and there was an Italian Elder, a German Elder, Spanish Sister,
and then there was also an Elder who spoke Arabic, although I do not
know what country he is from, but it was really neat to see them at
the temple.
I got to see Mike this week, and I got some pictures with him. Saw him
every once in a while and he also sang in Choir with us and guess who
came to the devotional this past Tuesday... Elder Bednar!!! It was
really good, and very uplifting and helped me understand stuff about
teaching Doctrine to people's objections and questions because the
Doctrine answers the "Why" Also this past fireside, the speaker was
Sheri Dew, so we had quite the spiritual feast this past week. The
song was nice too that we sang but I liked the one the week before
Apparently, word on the street is there is a new Brasilian President
and I have heard 2 rumors about her. One, she hates Americans, and two
she loves Americans so depending on which one is true will determine
our visa situation. Hopefully the first. I did hear from our District
President that we should get our visas in the next month or by the end
of the month so we'll see what happens.
We all got our reassignments except for Elder Bitner. He had more
surgery this past week and he is really sad that he isn't going to be
able to leave with us. He was told he was going to get his
reassignment today but then they said he can't get it until he is
better and ready to serve. It has been really hard on him and us.
Elder Smith, Elder Harris, and Elder Sharp all got called to
Pocatella, Idaho, and Elder Sharp lives an hour away from that mission
too. Its quite funny, but they're excited to go there. Elder Woolsey
and Elder Billin are going to Spokane, Washington, and their mission
has parts of Canada in it. Elder Vanwagoner and Elder Jorgenson are
going to Balitmore, Maryland. That was very unexpected since all the
other elders in another district and us were all going Western
stateside. Elder Iverson is going to Mac Ellen, Texas, and Elder
Yorgason and I are going to Lubbock, Texas. Its very exciting and we
all leave at 5:00 am. 5 of us are also going to Dallas together on the
same flight which will be fun. I am not looking forward to having to
say goodbye to them all though, we're really close and I really have
enjoyed these past 9 weeks.
It'll be weird not getting Dearelders that often either, but I'll have
to get used to it, especially since I'll be in Brasil eventually.
Still doesn't feel like we'll be leaving this Monday. Time has really
flown by. The days are like weeks and the weeks are like days.
Yesterday we did a teaching exersize with Irmao Call and he said it
would be in English, it was pretty funny though because it took me a
second to realize they were teaching in English because it sounded
weird doing that. We have been teaching in Portuguese for so long that
it threw us off. I don't know if I'll be in a trio with Elder Yorgason
but we will have an hour of language study time. I hope I am ready and
prepared enough to be able to study on my own.
One minute left now, so I gotta get going. I love you all very much
and miss you. Pretty crazy, already been 2 months off of my mission
already just here in the MTC. It is really flying by... I am grateful
for this opportunity to serve the Lord and I know that Texas is where
he needs me now. "Don't you dare take the name of Texas in vain!"
Elder Phillip Larsen the 1st
One night we all got ninja hoods and took pictures. It came out a little blurry, but I like it.

We went trick or treating in our residence hall on October 30th. I was a ninja. Elder Smith has the mask. Elder Yorgason was Elder Woolsey. Elder Woolsey was a batman fan. Elder Sharp was a hobbit. Elder Billin had hobo teeth. Elder Bitner was an old man (after his surgery) We got donuts from a room we went to.

This is the Samuel H. Smith statue that is comemorating 1,000,000 total missionaries in the church. (And Elder Smith and me)

There is a map here with all the mission zones. That one is Teresina. Lubbock Texas is the big red on in the southern tip of America, err... the USA. Both big missions though!

Saw this on a missionary field sign. Had to get a picture.

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