Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17, 2011 - Hobbs New Mexico Week 7 - Mission Week 23

Wow! I have been in an area for an entire Transfer Finally!!! Yahoo!
Woah, the time flies! I'm already 5 months through...

Querido Familia,

Thanks for all the emails and thank you so much for the package! I read the article about visas and that was nice to be able to know what more was going on, and the candy was very much enjoyed and the tie is awesome! I have quite the collection of ties now.. I left with how many? Like 10ish? I have about 18, maybe more. I'll have to count sometime. And the Thermal clothes did bring the warm weather. Yesterday it was 86 degrees out, and today it is supposed to be hot too. The whole week is supposed to be over 70 degrees so we don't have to wear our coats while working which is nice.

We're still riding our bikes. On Tuesday my bike chain just fell apart when we first started to work. Luckily the Zone Leaders were here on splits with us and I was able to use Elder White's bike while he was with the Spanish Elders here in Hobbs in Lovington. Elder White (My mission father), and Elder Densley, come on splits with us in Hobbs. It is quite the drive from Roswell too, 2 hours!

We had zone conference on Friday, and that was really good. I got to meet the zone, and finally saw Elder White for the first time since serving with him in Midland, and we got good instruction. I enjoy learning how to become a better missionary, and how to better apply the things I learn in my teaching.

On the way back from Roswell, our car had a phantom flat. It was kind of weird. We were going down a highway and then all of a sudden it sounded like we had a flat. Not only sounded, but felt like it too. We were pulled over for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what had happened. There wasn't a flat. There wasn't anything visibly wrong that we could see. There wasn't any outer damage to the car and we didn't know what happened, but whatever it was, it stopped us from being in a place at a certain time. We'll probably never know. It was quite the adventure though going to Roswell (Alien Town!)

An awesome thing happened this weekend at Church. The Rodriguez family, the ones who are inactive and we haven't been able to get come to church, came! We were greeting people in the hallway and then I saw Sam, their 10 year old son waving at us from the other end of the hallway. Then I saw their two daughters Abby and Emily, and Priscilla. Israel was working so he couldn't go, but we'll be working with him. Turns out he has not been baptized and we had some misunderstanding going on when they said their kids were baptized December of 2009. We thought they said Israel was also baptized, but... well... you know what thought did. :D

They came to church though, all 3 hours, and it was great! I really enjoyed being able to see them there! We had dinner at their house that night too and it was a much more different environment since they came to church.

The work has been going slowly this week. We haven't been able to teach too many people and have spent a lot of time looking for people to teach, knocking doors and talking to people that are outside. It is rather annoying because we aren't having too much luck. We have some potential people we'll be teaching, but it is never a convenient time to teach them right when we meet them.

I got an email from President Dias, of the Brasil Teresina Mission. I could mostly read it too without assistance! I hope my visa comes soon though because I will greatly increase in my language skills then and it will be nice to serve where I got called to serve!

To answer your question Mom about visas coming to missionaries in the TLM, only a sister going to Spain has received hers. We have four of us waiting for Brasilian visas. Hopefully they'll come soon!

Also, I am in a tripanionship with Elder Miller and Elder Walker. I am the youngest in "mission age" in Hobbs, 3 months in the field, and 5 months overall. Elder Olvera is the youngest when it comes to total mission age, but he went straight to the mission.

Well this past week overall hasn't been too eventful. I'll talk to you next week. Sorry about the shorter email!

Hopefully I'll get my visa this week.

I love you all very much and I appreciate the support you give me while serving the Lord! I know that the gospel is true and that this church is Christ's church restored on the Earth again. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and Thomas S. Monson is the prophet on the Earth today.


Elder Phillip Larsen

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