Querido Familia,
Well we talked last night on the phone which was awesome! but I do not have too much new stuff to say, and also I am a lot more rushed than usual today. I will remedy that next week. And guess what! Right after the phone call it started to rain, a lot again! But we made it home without requiring a canoe. :)
Today we started off with some basketball, which was all right. We were on our way to centro Teresina, and while waiting at the bus stop an old lady sitting next to me hawked a lugi.... (Don´t know how to spell that correctly) We went to Riverside shopping, which is a mall, Shopping is the word for Mall in Portuguese. Then we spent more time in the center of the city, really the whole day until P-day ended.
Saw a smart car here for the first time. The cars here are already small as it is, but Smart Car still is smaller.
I sent 4 letters, but I don´t know how long they will take, and I also managed to get a CD of pictures, but it could only hold 211 pictures of mine. The person didn´t understand that I wanted a DVD for more space but oh well I still have a backup. But it is spread out throughout my entire mission so far. The next few that I will make will be a more thorough backup.
Happy Mother´s Day! Again! I really enjoyed talking with you all! But it is sad that the phone call is already over. Next one though I will be able to speak Portuguese! I am glad for the opportunity to email, and that blessing of technology.
Tomorrow we have a Zone Conference here in Teresina, and hopefully then I will get my mission bag. I wonder what the conference will be about too. That is exciting though, first one since entering Brasil.
Sorry this email is shorter, I didn´t get an opportunity to read well the longer emails that were sent. Also Dad, the Facebook email that you sent about the different birthday greetings got messed up I think because it doesn´t have what people say for a lot of them, but thanks for sending it! I will also figure out a way to send more pictures, I will send that CD when I get the chance too.
The address for packages is this:
Mario Aparicido Dias
a/c Elder Phillip Edward Larsen
R:Tersandro Paz, No 2129, Salas 105-108
Centro Teresina, PI
I love you all very much, thank you for your support and love. I am glad that I got to call you and that you are doing well. Next week I will make sure to have more time to email. (Radio Show Host Voice) Tune in next week!
Elder Phillip Larsen
(Sorry for not having time to read all the emails, only had 30ish minutes I printed off the ones I didn´t get to read thoroughly, and will respond to them next week.)
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