Querido Familia,
I can never remember the number of weeks I've been here off hand.
This week has been pretty good, better than last weeks weather for sure. Took some getting used to doing missionary work again, well having a busy schedule. Those days off were unusual.
Zone Conference is this week in Roswell. It was going to be yesterday but because of potential bad weather, it got postponed to tomorrow (Friday the 11th)
The weather has been pretty cold here though. I was with Elder Kenyon and Elder Olvera in Lovington on Tuesday. (Lovington is like a suburb of Hobbs) When we were there, the wind really picked up and it got very very cold. The wind chill was awful. It has been quite the adventure though. Wednesday, yesterday, was pretty cold too and we didn't get to complete too much work which stunk, but we got to watch the Testaments with the Rodriquez's. That was cool. Still trying to figure out how to reactivate them. It's hard to talk about the gospel when we're there. The mom isn't too open to talking we think, even though she's been a member for her whole life. The rest of the family was baptized only a year ago, but God let us find them so we will figure it out. We just need to rely on him.
Sara's baptism was postponed to this Saturday (12th) and we're hoping that everything will all work out. She got pneumonia this week though and we haven't been able to teach her since Monday. She really has a desire to be baptized and have her son Jacob be baptized as well.
President Robison has been wanting the Hobbs house to have one of the companionships to move out so that we can be more focused. Right now 5 of us live there, and it is understandable why President wants us to move out, but it stinks. I don't know what is going to happen about all this because they found an apartment in the area, but I don't know who is moving out. We'll find out eventually. I might end up switching areas to Spanish/English for the time being... I don't know.
We had Stake Conference this last Sunday and it was really cool. It was a broadcast from Salt Lake City, and we heard from Thomas S. Monson, Elder Jensen of the Seventy, Elder Ballard, and Thomas S. Monson's daughter (Ann Dibb). After the broadcast I had the opportunity to be in the circle for Joe Ponder's ordination to the Melchezideck priesthood. I didn't know that that was happening, but it was really exciting. Also what added even more to my excitement that Sunday was that the entire Prieto family, except their oldest son who isn't a member, was at church on Sunday! Keith finally was able to get off of work and it was so cool to see them.
We also had some really awesome lessons on Sunday with those that we were teaching as well. It was a very cool day.
We had some house trouble this past week. Heh funny story actually: We went to do email and our pipes at home were frozen and so we had it on so that it would thaw out. Well, we didn't know that our drains were frozen as well. When we got back from emailing, the kitchen and nearby bathroom were covered in water and we had a waterfall coming out of our sink! Then the next day outside we had a pipe burst and had to get water shut off. Then a member came out and did the plumbing job. It was an easy fix which was convenient and we haven't had trouble since. We had to borrow Milla's shopvac to clean up the water though.
Mom, I guess even if I ask this I'll find out soon enough but did you send something last week then? Or did you wait and send it today instead? Just wondering, here in Hobbs we've been having a mail famine :/ I also thought your comment that dad emailed me about the gym was funny. "It's like a playground for adults, just without the bullies!" I'm glad you're enjoying doing that. I am not the best with keeping up with morning exersizes. I ride a bike though so that counts right? I am eating better too. I have been working on my stirfry skills and I've been experimenting with various foods too and making dishes with what I had. I've been staying healthy though so don't you worry! Milla takes care of us too.
Elder Phillip Larsen
Milla and her dog

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