Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 15, 2010 - MTC Week 5 - Mission Week 5

From: Phillip Larsen
Date: Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Week 5?

Oi Familia!

How are you all doing?

Wow the time is flying by, already week 5! Pretty soon we're going to be the oldies in our residence hall!

We just got done with a temple session and went straight to a computer lab to email from. I like this way better rather than going to the laundry room and trying to email with all the noise.

It was a shock to read the letter about Brother Eberhard. Its a very strange feeling, yet when I read that I was happy because I knew that Tony was progressing to the next part of life and helping those who have passed on already receive the gospel. The Eberhard family and the Ward have been in my prayers, but how great a blessing it is to have a knowledge of the plan of salvation. This is actually the lesson that we have been teaching to investigators here lately. We are going to start teaching in all Portuguese next week, we are already doing a lot in our teaching practices in Portuguese. We talk a lot in class and at meals in Portuguese and the best way to learn a language is to just speak it.

So some cool stories from the MTC this week. Well first off, Irmau Taylor, one of our teachers told a story about how he got to go eat lunch with an apostle, and then while they were in the cafeteria, President Monson came in and said hello and asked if they would come upstairs to his office so he could show them some stuff. He got to go into the office and see some stuff that President Monson had and they had some cool stories about each thing he showed them. It seems like a cool experience to have, and it made for a great story!

One thing that I have been grateful for this week was being prepared to give a talk at Stake Conference every time. We have to prepare a talk for Sacrament meeting here every week so that wasn't too much of an adjustment, although they have to be in Portuguese and we usually leave them for the last minute... whoops... O_o

I saw Danny... err Elder Marks this Wednesday! It was really cool to be able to greet someone I knew that was coming in to the MTC. I know how much of a blessing it is to know someone here. It was a little hard at first when I arrived, me not knowing anyone really until I saw Jordan Hopkins and Ryan Hill. Its pretty awesome!

The weather here this week has been a lot better. It has been sunny everyday and the sun shines on the mountains and they look amazing. We also got to go to the field this week and play soccer, I'm becoming more Brazilian every day! :P

We don't have gym time on P-days so I hope the weather is nice for tomorrow.

So I have seen about close to 10 other Elder Larsen/Larson's here at the MTC. One of them is from Denmark and I was not sure if we are related at all because of that email that you got from distant cousins. I think I mentioned this in my last email or a letter I sent.

I've been able to talk with a lot of British people here at he MTC. One sister that I was talking to told me that I was probably the only person in Utah that knew of "Keeping up Appearances". Also I heard that flight costs to go to Britain were about $500 round trip. I don't know what you have to go through but someone was talking about how awesome it was. Every British person I have talked to and mentioned Doctor Who to knows what it is which I think is pretty flipping awesome!

Love you all a lot and I hope that you are doing well and hope to hear from you soon!

-Love Elder Phillip Larsen

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