Querido Familia,
I can never keep the number of weeks straight, but oh well. This on the 25th of April.
I was going to ask how Easter was but it looked like it was filled with the usual awesomeness. Here in Brasil we didn't do too much if not anything for Easter. Lots of people were gone visiting family, so we got to see no one in the streets! :P Although one different thing here is that people hang Judas Iscariots over the city. I saw 2 during the weekend. Didn't get to take a picture of one, but they were pretty weird.
I got to use the Plan of Salvation puzzle last week! I made sure of it. We taught the Plan of Salvation to Carlos's cousin Sandra. She has a baptismal date for this upcoming Saturday which is exciting.
It looks like Dad and Brad had an awesome bike trip. We'll have to go biking when I get back. I did 12 weeks of biking in Texas, and that was really fun. Here, its all walking. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am in Brasil, another country. It has been a rough experience with the language. Eventually I'll get it.
The weather here the past 2 weeks has been absolutely crazy. Every single day it has thunderstormed, and it's been pretty overcast a lot of the time too which is a bummer... Also, the carnival that is nearby our house, with a ferris wheel and other rides is leaving. It's a bit sad that they are moving to a new location now. It was cool to see the Ferris Wheel every night from the street walking home. Also there have been a lot of rainbows all the time which is pretty cool too. ``Double Rainbow!!"
I had another experience where I spoke and after I had said what I wanted to, the people said ``N鉶 entendi, desculpe, o que ele falou?" That is somewhat frustrating, but it happens. O_o
Sandra, one of our investigators told us a story about how she was having a lot of headaches and couldn't focus, but then she thought to say a prayer and when she had done that, the headaches went away instantly and she didn't have any more problems with that. I have been studying prayer a lot, and God truly does answer all sincere prayers. It may not be in the time frame you are expecting, but it is going to be in the manner that is going to be best for you. From her experience her testimony about prayer had been strengthened, and she no longer tries to get out of saying prayers in lessons. It is awesome to be able to witness the changes that occur in people and the blessings that they receive as they accept the Gospel.
It's pretty crazy to think that in a week I will no longer be a teenager. Weird. 20 Years old...
As for this past week, it has been quite the roller coaster. It has been a struggle with homesickness still. Not being able to communicate with the people I am around, combined with not receiving mail and hearing from home as easily are big contributors. I am trying to make the best of this trial. I've had quite the welcome to Brasil.
One thing that I have noticed is the difference between the 2 missions. I have thought that God wanted me to have many experiences that I had in Texas, and that I should apply the things that I learned and all the lessons and things to my work here in Brasil. I have learned so much though about so many things these past 7 months. It has been quite the adventure.
One thing that I am learning more is relying on the Lord through this experience. That is the only way I'll be able to do his work.
Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. I have really enjoyed reading Jesus the Christ lately. He lives, and he and our Heavenly Father love us.
I also finished reading the Book of Mormon again this past week. So I started it again. I am so grateful that we have the scriptures today to study and learn from, and to be taught by the Holy Ghost while reading them.
Thanks for everything, I love you guys! miss you too!
Elder Phillip Larsen
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Apr 18, 2011 - Teresina Brasil Week 6 - Mission Week 32
Querido Familia,
This has been quite the week, and I almost didn´t get to send an email today because I don´t have any cash on me and LAN houses are only cash but we were able to go to a members house and there we were able to do emails.
I forgot my planner today, and that is where I wrote my notes down for my email. No problems from my last email were there? The computer was very ghetto. Hopefully not.
That´s sad to hear about changes in the ward with people moving out, but it is inevitable I guess. That is going to be strange when I get back and there will be a lot of new faces.
I got another haircut, but it was a mistake on my part because now it is way shorter than I like, but in a few weeks it´ll be back to the way it was. Already been a month here in Brasil, and lately I have been having more instances with culture-shock things, (just etiquette and other details. Some phrases are rude in Portuguese that aren´t rude in English and vice-versa)
This past week we had a baptism! My first one since coming to Brasil. His name is Carlos, and he´s almost the age of a deacon. When we had fast and testimony meeting here, he bore his testimony about how he knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that the church is true. This was before he was baptized. He´s a really cool kid. We also started teaching his cousin and she is progressing towards baptism too! (I also bore my testimony on Fast and Testimony meeting in Portuguese. I have a horrible accent, but that´ll come with time. Carlos thinks its hilarious sometimes when I talk to him.)
Every day this past week has been pouring and thunder storming. I´ve been having troubles with not knowing what is going on each day. Not being able to communicate with my companion 100% is difficult in many ways but it has been a good growing experience for my Portuguese. It's been a little stressful but hopefully it will improve.
Today I saw a Monkey! A real live monkey, and a wild one at that. It was just sitting on a wall of one of our neighbor´s, and then jumped into a mango tree that is in their front yard. It was funny because Elder Pearson, another American Elder in our house said, ``Woah! What is that!?`` We looked and at first I thought it was some strange cat, but it was a monkey! Just a funny thing that happened today.
I remember Bradford talking about seeing monkeys in Brasil, and when I saw the monkey today I thought about that. I wish I had my camera with me at the time. Also I have seen many parrots, today at lunch, we saw a parrot that could talk but it didn´t say anything. Eventually I´ll get a picture of one. Reminds me of our constant quest to get a picture of Winston yawning.
I have been keeping a detailed journal for a while now and have gotten into the habit of writing often. It is fun, and it´ll be a treasure in future years when I´ll be able to recall different experiences. I wish I had been more diligent with my journal-writing before the mission.
I miss being able to listen to music. I really enjoyed the music classes in High School, Jazz Improv, and Choir. One of the Elders in the apartment has an mp3 player with lots of church music on it and we sing along to some of the songs every once in a while.
Study has become a very important time for me. Also, during the time that we go to the gym and other times too now, I have been reading Jesus the Christ. At first it was a little hard but I really enjoy it now. Study is such an important thing to do. In order to better be able to teach the things that missionaries teach, I have been strengthening my testimony by getting to know the lessons better and develop more faith in them. Also I have been trying better to use all the materials that I have because they won´t help me if I don´t use them.
This past month has been very difficult overall. Trying to learn Portuguese, and getting used to Brasil. I´m on a completely different continent! Woah! But beyond all the trials it has been making me and helping me rely more on my Savior Jesus Christ and God. This is the Lord´s work, and he is going to help me do the things he needs me to do.
One quote from an older member from the Hobbs ward said these quotes that I read in one of my books that I have. - ``Learn to love what you do, otherwise you´ll be miserable.`` and ``Always look at the good points, never let the devil let you look at all the bad.`` Also, another quote that Irmão Call from the MTC said, ``When you give Christ your all, he gives you his all.``There have been a few things that have really tried my patience, and have been hard to ignore, or look at the good and all the blessings that I have. I´m no where near perfect, but I am trying. Just some quotes that really stood out to me.
I am glad I had that book for people to write little notes in it. I have been having people sign things in it too since going on the mission, and I am really glad I have it. One of the notes someone wrote said ``This will be your greatest adventure yet!`` It has been quite the adventure, but I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord. I just need to get Portuguese down and then I´ll feel more like I am working as hard as I was in Texas. I can´t say exactly what I want to say sometimes and that is frustrating.
This church truly is led by a prophet called of God. Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ in the sacred grove. Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Redeemer. These things I know to be true, and have further witnesses every day of the importance of this Gospel and this message that I have the responsibility to share.
I love you very much, thank you for your prayers and support. You´re awesome! I miss you,
Elder Phillip Larsen
This has been quite the week, and I almost didn´t get to send an email today because I don´t have any cash on me and LAN houses are only cash but we were able to go to a members house and there we were able to do emails.
I forgot my planner today, and that is where I wrote my notes down for my email. No problems from my last email were there? The computer was very ghetto. Hopefully not.
That´s sad to hear about changes in the ward with people moving out, but it is inevitable I guess. That is going to be strange when I get back and there will be a lot of new faces.
I got another haircut, but it was a mistake on my part because now it is way shorter than I like, but in a few weeks it´ll be back to the way it was. Already been a month here in Brasil, and lately I have been having more instances with culture-shock things, (just etiquette and other details. Some phrases are rude in Portuguese that aren´t rude in English and vice-versa)
This past week we had a baptism! My first one since coming to Brasil. His name is Carlos, and he´s almost the age of a deacon. When we had fast and testimony meeting here, he bore his testimony about how he knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that the church is true. This was before he was baptized. He´s a really cool kid. We also started teaching his cousin and she is progressing towards baptism too! (I also bore my testimony on Fast and Testimony meeting in Portuguese. I have a horrible accent, but that´ll come with time. Carlos thinks its hilarious sometimes when I talk to him.)
Every day this past week has been pouring and thunder storming. I´ve been having troubles with not knowing what is going on each day. Not being able to communicate with my companion 100% is difficult in many ways but it has been a good growing experience for my Portuguese. It's been a little stressful but hopefully it will improve.
Today I saw a Monkey! A real live monkey, and a wild one at that. It was just sitting on a wall of one of our neighbor´s, and then jumped into a mango tree that is in their front yard. It was funny because Elder Pearson, another American Elder in our house said, ``Woah! What is that!?`` We looked and at first I thought it was some strange cat, but it was a monkey! Just a funny thing that happened today.
I remember Bradford talking about seeing monkeys in Brasil, and when I saw the monkey today I thought about that. I wish I had my camera with me at the time. Also I have seen many parrots, today at lunch, we saw a parrot that could talk but it didn´t say anything. Eventually I´ll get a picture of one. Reminds me of our constant quest to get a picture of Winston yawning.
I have been keeping a detailed journal for a while now and have gotten into the habit of writing often. It is fun, and it´ll be a treasure in future years when I´ll be able to recall different experiences. I wish I had been more diligent with my journal-writing before the mission.
I miss being able to listen to music. I really enjoyed the music classes in High School, Jazz Improv, and Choir. One of the Elders in the apartment has an mp3 player with lots of church music on it and we sing along to some of the songs every once in a while.
Study has become a very important time for me. Also, during the time that we go to the gym and other times too now, I have been reading Jesus the Christ. At first it was a little hard but I really enjoy it now. Study is such an important thing to do. In order to better be able to teach the things that missionaries teach, I have been strengthening my testimony by getting to know the lessons better and develop more faith in them. Also I have been trying better to use all the materials that I have because they won´t help me if I don´t use them.
This past month has been very difficult overall. Trying to learn Portuguese, and getting used to Brasil. I´m on a completely different continent! Woah! But beyond all the trials it has been making me and helping me rely more on my Savior Jesus Christ and God. This is the Lord´s work, and he is going to help me do the things he needs me to do.
One quote from an older member from the Hobbs ward said these quotes that I read in one of my books that I have. - ``Learn to love what you do, otherwise you´ll be miserable.`` and ``Always look at the good points, never let the devil let you look at all the bad.`` Also, another quote that Irmão Call from the MTC said, ``When you give Christ your all, he gives you his all.``There have been a few things that have really tried my patience, and have been hard to ignore, or look at the good and all the blessings that I have. I´m no where near perfect, but I am trying. Just some quotes that really stood out to me.
I am glad I had that book for people to write little notes in it. I have been having people sign things in it too since going on the mission, and I am really glad I have it. One of the notes someone wrote said ``This will be your greatest adventure yet!`` It has been quite the adventure, but I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord. I just need to get Portuguese down and then I´ll feel more like I am working as hard as I was in Texas. I can´t say exactly what I want to say sometimes and that is frustrating.
This church truly is led by a prophet called of God. Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ in the sacred grove. Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Redeemer. These things I know to be true, and have further witnesses every day of the importance of this Gospel and this message that I have the responsibility to share.
I love you very much, thank you for your prayers and support. You´re awesome! I miss you,
Elder Phillip Larsen
Monday, April 11, 2011
Apr 11, 2011 - Teresina Brasil Week 5 - Mission Week 31
Querido Familia,
So this week has also not been too normal, but its getting there. I
actually got to go to church yesterday at the Uruguai, Ward. It is a
smaller ward, but there is a lot of love there and its cool.
The language is going to be a roller coaster for quite some time.
Already I´ve been in Brasil for a month! Time really does fly. The
language will come with time, and patience. I can tell improvement
from where I was when I arrived, but I am far from fluent.
The food here is great, although I am still getting used to how
everything works. To answer your question about dinner, we are
actually not allowed to eat dinner with members, because we eat lunch
every day with a member. The food here is delicious. Usually we go to
a bakery as well, they are everywhere. Buy about 1-2 reais of bread,
and eat that for breakfast. I also eat noodles with pizza sauce, and
cookies. I bought chocolate milk a couple of days ago, however, the
price was deceiving and it said R$1,20 but that was per container in
the 3 container package. Food is pretty expensive here, well it seems
like it anyways.
This computer is so ghetto... I hope you don´t get a virus or
something. It does have Mozilla Firefox though which is nice.
Can´t think right now... Grrr... This email is a little shorter than
others. This week has been good though. A little tough at times. Elder
Magalhães likes to go work out at a gym every morning which is
different. I take the time to study and have been reading Jesus the
Christ. In Preach my Gospel it says to increase your desire to share
the gospel, you need to learn more about the atonement. So that is
what I am trying to do.
I also had a great experience during personal study yesterday. I was
studying and felt like I should read from the book about preparing to
go to the temple that I had in my suitcase. Many times I have wished
that I could go to the temple but we do not have on in our mission.
Just reading about the temple and just the blessings of eternal
families that come from it filled me with a powerful feeling of peace.
I am glad that I had listened to that very subtle prompting that
normally I would dismiss to be nothing.
I know that God loves each and every one of us. He truly is mindful of
us all and desires to bless us and help us. Prayer is a very important
part of everyday life. The promise of ´´Ask and you shall receive,
knock and it shall be opened unto you´´ is a very true promise. I am
grateful for the scriptures and the words of the prophets of the Lord.
I know that we have a prophet called by God today, and that he holds
all the keys of the priesthood. Jesus Christ lives. He is our Savior
and Redeemer, and his arms are open to us. It is strange, often times
when we serve, or receive a calling, the person who seems to have the
largest change is the one called. We can never repay God for the love,
and help that he gives us.
I´m serving my mission. Sometimes when I think that, it hits me! (I
thought it a few times while walking to an appointment and then looked
around at the tropical trees, and the brush on the sides of the dirt
road while sweat is dripping down my face then thought of some of the
pictures at the MTC in the hallways there. I´m serving my mission! And
when I get back, depending on my mindset and what I do now will
determine my memories of my missionary service.) I thought that was a
cool thought though.
Every day is hot, it has been raining a lot lately, every night. The
thunderstorms on the horizon are awesome. The people are friendly, and
I am still adjusting to the culture, and speaking Portuguese.
I love you all and miss you. I´m glad you´re doing well. Thanks for
your emails and support!
Elder Phillip Larsen
So this week has also not been too normal, but its getting there. I
actually got to go to church yesterday at the Uruguai, Ward. It is a
smaller ward, but there is a lot of love there and its cool.
The language is going to be a roller coaster for quite some time.
Already I´ve been in Brasil for a month! Time really does fly. The
language will come with time, and patience. I can tell improvement
from where I was when I arrived, but I am far from fluent.
The food here is great, although I am still getting used to how
everything works. To answer your question about dinner, we are
actually not allowed to eat dinner with members, because we eat lunch
every day with a member. The food here is delicious. Usually we go to
a bakery as well, they are everywhere. Buy about 1-2 reais of bread,
and eat that for breakfast. I also eat noodles with pizza sauce, and
cookies. I bought chocolate milk a couple of days ago, however, the
price was deceiving and it said R$1,20 but that was per container in
the 3 container package. Food is pretty expensive here, well it seems
like it anyways.
This computer is so ghetto... I hope you don´t get a virus or
something. It does have Mozilla Firefox though which is nice.
Can´t think right now... Grrr... This email is a little shorter than
others. This week has been good though. A little tough at times. Elder
Magalhães likes to go work out at a gym every morning which is
different. I take the time to study and have been reading Jesus the
Christ. In Preach my Gospel it says to increase your desire to share
the gospel, you need to learn more about the atonement. So that is
what I am trying to do.
I also had a great experience during personal study yesterday. I was
studying and felt like I should read from the book about preparing to
go to the temple that I had in my suitcase. Many times I have wished
that I could go to the temple but we do not have on in our mission.
Just reading about the temple and just the blessings of eternal
families that come from it filled me with a powerful feeling of peace.
I am glad that I had listened to that very subtle prompting that
normally I would dismiss to be nothing.
I know that God loves each and every one of us. He truly is mindful of
us all and desires to bless us and help us. Prayer is a very important
part of everyday life. The promise of ´´Ask and you shall receive,
knock and it shall be opened unto you´´ is a very true promise. I am
grateful for the scriptures and the words of the prophets of the Lord.
I know that we have a prophet called by God today, and that he holds
all the keys of the priesthood. Jesus Christ lives. He is our Savior
and Redeemer, and his arms are open to us. It is strange, often times
when we serve, or receive a calling, the person who seems to have the
largest change is the one called. We can never repay God for the love,
and help that he gives us.
I´m serving my mission. Sometimes when I think that, it hits me! (I
thought it a few times while walking to an appointment and then looked
around at the tropical trees, and the brush on the sides of the dirt
road while sweat is dripping down my face then thought of some of the
pictures at the MTC in the hallways there. I´m serving my mission! And
when I get back, depending on my mindset and what I do now will
determine my memories of my missionary service.) I thought that was a
cool thought though.
Every day is hot, it has been raining a lot lately, every night. The
thunderstorms on the horizon are awesome. The people are friendly, and
I am still adjusting to the culture, and speaking Portuguese.
I love you all and miss you. I´m glad you´re doing well. Thanks for
your emails and support!
Elder Phillip Larsen
Monday, April 4, 2011
Apr 4, 2011 - Teresina Brasil Week 4 - Mission Week 30
Boa Tarde,
Conference in Brasil is really nice because all the members go to the church to watch it. I am so glad that we went with the Wilsons for all those many years and watched it there. Those are great memories.
Lately I have been having longings to go swimming. The weather feels exactly like it would in Nashua when it was the perfect day to go swimming. Its hot every day. ´´Its Hot in Tampico!´´
It's weird, every once in a while it hits me pretty hard. I am on my mission. I really didn´t know what to expect before the mission as to what a mission would be like. Lately it has been hard because I have not been able to feel like a missionary completely because I can´t teach that much but that will come in time. I have been trying more to show my love for the people and to bring them closer to Jesus Christ that way. I reflect a lot on how I am representing Jesus Christ right now. I have his name on my tag. It is humbling. I hope that I am able to be a good example for the people that I serve around.
Jesus Christ is the son of God. He atoned for our sins so that we can return with our families to our Heavenly Father. This message needs to be shared, and I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in this grand work of the Lord.
Have a great week! I love you and miss you all,
Elder Phillip Larsen
Pictures took forever to load, only could load 2. Teresina downtown, and I think the church picture got uploaded.

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